Is Membership Right For You
Membership in the Assisted Living Association of Alaska offers:
Trainings, a membership library with resources, documents, and guides to help your facility needs. These resources are based on resident care, State of Alaska regulations, certification, and licensing guidance. It includes videos that you can use with your staff for training and orientation if you choose. (Member Library)
Monthly Member Only Meetings, each month we will meet using an online meeting resource (Zoom) to discuss questions that Members of ALAA have, brainstorm ideas and come up with solutions, discuss communication with State Agencies from ALAA Membership, Continuing Education for Administrators and Caregivers, and presentations from potential Vendors. Each meeting will be recorded in part and saved in the Member Library for later viewing if you miss the meeting.
ALAA Committee involvement, members have the right to vote on the ALAA Board of Directors, fulfill ALAA Board seats, Chair ALAA Committees such as the ALAA ACTION Group and others. Only ALAA Members are aloud to fulfill leadership assignments, run for Board Positions and serve as Committee Chairman.
For the Year 2021 Membership Costs are being waived - Sign Up Now for FREE!
Membership Dues will resume in January 2022